One day last week I was home in Woolwich and did not need to go out for any reason, so I decided to give myself the challenge of making Christmas cards from materials that I had on hand. All my printing and art supplies were at my studio in Portland, so I put on my thinking cap and looked around. I've always loved the image on this vintage Cromwell aluminum tray that I inherited from my Mom, and I figured, ooh, I could make rubbings from that...
I found a stick of graphite in the crayon box, and tucked away in a drawer, I found a stack of Miller's Falls onion skin writing paper that had been my Aunt Carolyn's. Some greens from the back yard pines, a little felt, ribbon and thread, my pinking sheers, hot glue gun, and trusty old singer sewing machine all helped me to pull together these simple, fragrant greeting cards. Oh, and I need to give credit where credit is due: I could not have accomplished this feat without the invaluable support of my feline studio assistants, Jasper and Sal...
Happy Solstice, Everyone!