My sister Susan and I have been at our sister Deb's house the past couple of weeks, helping to care for our mother, Edna, who has Alzheimer's. Mom lives near Deb in an assisted living home. While at Deb's, we also helped her to prepare for her daughter Abby's baby shower, which was last Sunday. Deb asked Susan and I to design the shower favors. She had a Mad Hatter Tea Party/Through the Looking Glass theme, and had purchased small heart shaped mirrors in black velvet pouches. She wanted a Queen of Hearts figure holding this pouch somehow. We decided to make felt figures, like the ornaments that I have made, and Susan set to work making a couple of patterns of the Queen of Hearts from the Disney version of the story. Sue and I then set up 2 light tables and traced 36 Queens on white felt using red sharpies. The next step was to sew each figure onto another piece of felt, using black stitching to "draw" in the details. After each Queen got trimmed, we took them all outside onto Deb's porch, painted them with acrylic paints, and embellished each figure with glitter, beads, and feathers. This was a 2 day project, and we had alot fun! I will post some pics of the shower soon!
Martha, welcome home.
It's nice to see your mom, you and your sisters working together on the project. I'm glad your mom could help.
There is a young adult book called The Looking Glass Wars you might like. In it Alice has told her story of being in the land behind the looking glass to Lewis Carroll but when he writes the book he changes it all around and when she ends up back there she's creeped out. The Red Queen rules... completely.
You are crazy cool with your army of queens!... all of you.
hey, jo-an!
i'm glad mom could help, too. kind of funny - her short term memory is pretty much shot, so every time we plopped a queen on her plate, she'd say, "now what am i doing?" and we'd say, "sprinkle glitter where ever you see red paint, mom!" then she'd say again, "now what am i doing?" :*)
thanks so much, teri! glad you can appreciate our crazyness! :*)
My names Martha Miller too ha ha im 13 from the USA
hey there, fellow (sister?) martha miller! it's a good name! :*)
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