Monday, January 26, 2009

Dumpster Divas

Martha Miller
Dumpster Diva I, 2009
felt, cotton fabric, black stitching, ribbon, ric rac, netting, cedar waxwing feathers, marker,
6" x 9"

Martha Miller
Dumpster Diva II, 2009
felt, cotton fabric, black stitching, ribbon, marker, 9" x 12"

Martha Miller
Dumpster Diva III, 2009
felt, cotton fabric, black stitching, ribbon, netting, marker, 9" x 12"

My latest mixed media collage fiber nudes. (Do click for details!) I had a blast working on these all day yesterday. They are small wall hangings featuring Modigliani inspired nudes in invented interiors made from felt and cotton upholstery fabric from the fabric sample books I rescued from a dumpster last winter. These little sweeties are currently for sale in my Etsy shop!


Brad Gailey said...

Absolutely gorgeous work!


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I can see and feel the fun in the making of these beauties. Your line is stunning and your sense of humor a mix of silly and sophisticated!

martha miller said...

thanks, brad! i apprecialte it!

martha miller said...

thanks so much, blue sky! silly and sophisticated sounds good to me!


Tracey Miller said...

These are totally cool, Martha! I can tell you're having fun.

martha miller said...

thanks, tracey!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work, really lovely !

The Cog said...


martha miller said...

thanks, morgaine!

martha miller said...

thanks for visiting my blog, cog!