Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

The Sun. Returning light!

Temperance. Moderation.

Page of Wands. Fire. A Youth. Alec is a Sagittarius.

Strength. Growl...

The Lovers. (symbolically, of course!!) Animus, Anima.

Today's Tarot reading for the New Year.

2009. Wow. Sounds like a log entry on Star Trek, doesn't it?
Stardate, January 1st, 2009.

I had 2 ideas for posts this morning - I wanted to record my New Year's Tarot spread, and I wanted to share these fun photos that my son Alec just e-mailed to me - we took them in my studio one night this summer when he was visiting from California. I did a 5 card reading and realized that I have 5 photos and they kind of fit the story in the cards...

1. My card for 2009: The Sun. (Yay!)
2. What I most need to look at this year: Temperance. (Yes, the moderation thing. Always a good idea, and always difficult. For me, anyway. I have a ton of energy and I tend to burn the torch at both ends, then crash, or I overdo one thing to the neglect of other things. Or I do too many things at once and end up a mile wide and only an inch thick...)
3. The challenge in what lies ahead: The Page of Wands. (That willful and fiery youth can represent a new creative enterprise or pursuit - I have a few of those on the drawing board, so to speak. I want to open an Etsy shop this month, I want to create an on-line store for my daughter Lisbeth's products, I want to keep building my portrait series...)
4. What will help: Strength. (Yes, indeed! I love all the REDS in this card spread, and see how the woman here tames that red lion? It's that temperance thing again. She doesn't let the flames of fiery creativity consume her. She knows how to tame, focus and channel that energy.)
5. And this will lead to: The Lovers. (That wonderful balance of male and female, yin and yang, light and dark, animus and anima. Not a bad thing to strive for in 09!
What are some of your New Year's resolutions?

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