I started carving the linoleum today for the window installation. Whew. I'll have to pace myself with this! It's a damn big piece of stuff (oh, me achin' arm!). I've given the figure on the right curly hair like Branch, from my dream. I need to fix his nose...
I did a few rubbings on newsprint with graphite and cray-pas of the areas I've cut, took some photos of them, and have been playing with these images in Photoshop to get some ideas about color. I love the fire colors...
I might even print some of these digital images and use them in the mix. I can see a combo of print, drawing, rubbings and digital emerging...
Oh, my. I do tend to bite off more than I can chew...
Wow, these look gorgeous! They look huge, where did you find such big pieces of safty-cut? Can't wait to see how these evolve.
Hi Brenda!
Thanks for popping in and for the feedback! Is safety cut the same as that rubbery Soft-Kut product? If so, this is not safety-cut, it's good old linoleum. I bought it at Artist and Craftsman here in Portland (Maine!). They agreed to cut it off the roll for me. They order it like that and then cut it into smaller pieces to sell in their store. It ain't cheap - $5 a square foot, so this piece cost ninety some odd $$'s.
I also can't wait to see how these evolve! I'm so much about process that things take a myriad of unpredictable twists and turns along the way!
You do alot of blockprinting - do you think I'm in for a huge challenge hand printing these? Any suggestions? I don't have access to a big press right now...
You're absolutely right - this is a big task! However, even at this early stage, I can see that the hard work will be well worth it! I hope that the wellspring of serendipity flows forth as you continue!
I think the color of the lino must have tricked me into thinking it was Soft-Kut! I have to say... yes it'll be a challenge to hand print such a large piece... hopefully you're fast and have strong arms!!! Before I got my press, I had to bray really quickly before the ink started to dry on the lino. However, I agree with Rob S. - it will be well worth the effort in the end!
thanks, rob! did you get to draw last night?
and brenda, do you think that oil based ink will be the better choice??
thankyou both for your feedback and encouragement! my arm hurts today - i'll need to do this thing bird by bird, to quote anne lamott once again...
Hi Martha
I'm intrigued by the 'Drawing in Motion Class' what an innovative way to draw!! I do think that oil-based ink may be more friendly in this situation... or you could use a retarder to extend ink drying time. (I use Daniel Smith water based inks that 'act like oils' with the retardant... clean up is so much easier). Testing both would help you decide.
I love Anne Lamott, wish she'd come out with a new book!
thanks, brenda - i'll try that! off to my studio now for MORE CARVING...ow...i need some little studio assistants...
best of luck with your upcoming show!
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