You can see why I want to do a diptych, the way the window is divided. I like the idea of making a piece about nature for the city. Not that Portland is a metropolis or anything. But I must say that I sleep more soundly in Woolwich with the woods all around my house. It gets deeply quiet there. Here in town there are noises all night long - sirens, street cleaners, the occasional loud drunk, raucous seagulls...
I dreamt last night of a slim young man with curly hair who invited me to dance with him. I felt reluctant but he was so encouraging and he beckoned to me. We got into a promenade position and we raised off the floor and were soon flying! I moved into some extreme dance positions like a ballerina as he held me aloft. I realized that we were hanging by some strong fishing line (I've been re-reading Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions and she speaks of feeling sometimes like she is connected to God with a length of fishing line). I felt like Wendy flying with Peter Pan. We even flew over a small figurine of Tinker Bell and I laughed out loud. I felt loved by this person and I trusted him completely. I felt so joyful, high and free. I asked him his name: he said it was Branch.
I took those pictures of branches yesterday to use in making my prints...
Do you believe in Spirit Guides? I've read about them, and after a dream like this, I have to wonder...
What a great spot for your display!
I am unsure of the spirit guide thing. I had a similar dream a few years back, and I journaled it as I was still doing the Artist's Way at the time. I've reread it since, and it can be interpreted in a number of ways. That's what makes it hard to know - what's the correct interpretation? And does it matter?
sometimes a snake is just a snake and sometimes flying is just flying! dreams do have many many meanings. i see this one as a subconscious "yes martha, you're on the right track" for the bird/branches thing i want to do with my prints.
i did a bit of the artist's way. that's a good book to open up again every so often. filled with great quotes and art cheerleading support!
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