Sunrise in my backyard in Woolwich, January 24th, 2011. My Mom died at 4am.

I packed my bags and headed to RI. It was bitter cold and the sky was very blue. I felt glad that my Mom had passed on such a day. It seemed the perfect sort of day for spirits. When I shared this thought with my daughter Kaitlyn on the phone earlier, she agreed, and remarked that on a such a day the veil between this world and the next is very thin...
how fortunate you are to have such strong ties to the spirit world - it can be so comforting - i'm sure your mom will visit her children frequently - blessings & energy are sent your way - love, r
Beautiful clouds with Mom's face! I'm so glad to have been there and so glad to be back home!
HUGS- no words, Tilly
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