Friday, January 14, 2011

More Notes to Her Tune

Mama's Song Series, 2011
cake tester, clothespins, baking rack, sunshine and trivet on snow, with photo collage


Susan Beauchemin said...

I thought so!

Andytgeezer said...

Hi Martha - Thanks for signing up for mailart365, I can't wait to see what you make!

martha miller said...

hi Andy!

thankyou for your cool mail art post card, all the way from london! this is going to be FUN!

love your quote:

"mailartists do it with whatever they can get their hands on"


Andytgeezer said...

Glad you received it and can't wait to see your posts on mailart 365! Did you receive my email to join yet? I notice you haven't yet signed up. If you need a hand getting started just fling me an email any time!

Youth Remnants said...

Greeat read