I worked all day on
Marla's portrait, and this is what it looks like tonight. I'm feeling close to finished. I know what I need to do to finish it...

I did my Tarot cards before starting to work this morning. (Yes, I really do this). Long story short: Agonizing is over. I have everything I need to make this work. I am not confined, I can be free - it's my own choice. I can work magic.

Starting to work from the digital images on my laptop...

Borrowing more imagery from the silkscreen that Marla was sitting in front of...

Salvador cheering me on...

The color is a little funky on this screen - the drawing is warmer than this (I'm editing these pics on my laptop - no Photoshop - but you get the gist). So I need to fine tune specific areas, and I want to define the lilies in the lower left hand corner - I need to redraw them upright...
Lo and Behold, I actually had fun working from the digital images.
Will wonders ever cease. I am my own worst enemy. (See the Eight of Swords above...)
Feedback, comments welcome.
Martha, I really, really like it!! Marla will be pleased with the final results. I am impressed with message from your tarot cards. Make it yur mantra! I just might, too! ~karen
THANKYOU, Karen! And yes, please do use that mantra!!!
Beautiful work, I particularly like the hatching and dry brush work. Maria will be thrilled, I'm sure.
Thankyou, Brad! I really have agonized over working on this. It feels good to be almost done and to have positive feedback! My fear was/is that it LOOKS like it's done from a photo, and it's flat and lifeless.
It's not flat or lifeless--no way! The portrait sure looks great--I love the colors!
I don't know Marla, but I see a real spark in her eyes! Nice portrait, Martha. It is interesting to "watch" the process.
Why were you worried? Every portrait of yours that I've seen is almost humming with life, as well as this of Marla.
hey sue, elizabeth and deborah, thanks for the votes of confidence! i do now have a list of changes that marla has requested...this will be the hard part! i have to keep telling myself that this is a COLLABORATION...(collaboration, collaboration, collaboration...)
Playful, quirky, and colorful, with a definite illustrative feel to it.
Love it, Martha!
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