Wednesday, September 2, 2009


While I was visiting my daughter Kaitlyn out on Little Cranberry Island last month, I had my Tarot cards read by this pretty woman at the annual Islesford Fair. The message from her reading has stayed with me for weeks. She asked me to think of a question and then she shuffled and laid out three cards: The Lovers, The Four of Cups, and The Knight of Cups. I also read Tarot cards, so I was interested in hearing someone else's interpretation. I've always thought of the cups as feelings and intuition. This young woman described them in my reading as "love." (Probably because The Lovers showed up in this spread - this influences the meanings of the adjoining cards...). But her reading for me was right on that day. I was visiting the island, feeling a bit like an outsider, sort of like the hungry little kid on the street looking wistfully in the sweet shop window, you know? The community is so tight out there. Well, that is what the four of cups is about. Look at how that person sits with arms crossed, closed off, lost in thought, not noticing the heavenly cup being offered. She said, "You are perhaps too wrapped up in introspection - you are surrounded by love - it is being offered to you. You just need to open up to it!" Wow. For two bucks I got this profound message. So often I am my own prisoner. From that moment on, I dropped my "less than, not a member" feelings and fully engaged with the people on the island and felt welcomed as a part of that loving community. We can attract what we need. And the next day I did my own Tarot cards on the guest bed in Kaitlyn's house, and guess what? I pulled two of those same cards - The Lovers and The Four of Cups. I called Kaitlyn in to be a witness so I'd be believed (!) and then took a picture of the spread. I love the synchronicity of the Tarot.

1 comment:

Begnaud said...

Remind me sometime and I'll tell you about my only Tarot card experience...