Mary Oliver
My old friend and fellow Maine artist (oh! and fellow Pisces/Horse!) Susan Amons curated the exhibit Dreams: Poetic Memory at USM in Gorham, Maine, back in 1993. Here are some images from the catalogue. Seeing Don Gray's work yesterday brought to mind some of the work in this exhibit.
Betsy Harrity
Volcanoe Series VI
Buzz Masters
Dreaming of the Deer/Warrior Sleeps
Martha Miller
Surrendering Self II
Patricia Hardy
Two Potters
Suzanne McLeod
I Remember You
Linda Foss
Red Woman
Grace DeGennaro
Heart and Moon
Susan Amons
Predator II
Mary Frank
Woman, Horse, Fish, Bird
Diane Bowie Zaitlin
A pretty introspective show! I do like yours and Pat Hardy's work the best, overall. I worked with Patty for a short time at Tony Moore's restoration studio in York, believe it or not. It wasn't for me, though - I never had enough energy left for my own work. Funny thing is, Patty does some freelance stuff for William Arthur, where I work now. Strange how things go round and round...
Well, this is just a sampling of the show - each artist had 5-6 pieces on exhibit, all dream related.
I love Patty. And I love her work. Have you ever seen her paintings from her excursions out west? She used to travel to New Mexico and/or Arizona annually with Sharon Townshend to paint. She did an amazing group of self-portraits out west one year...
Your new paintings are so beautiful, Rob!
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