I have been looking at a book about blackwork embroidery for some ideas for designs for my big lino prints. Blackwork was popular in the 16th century. I love these portraits from that period!
I've nearly completed my carving - I can't use the press yet, so I'll be installing my prints in the Walker Terrace window for the month of June rather than May.
I colored with white pastel on these proofs to get an idea of what to carve next. I'll pull 2 proofs tomorrow to show where I'm at with these!
These are looking so nice! What a great reference, blackwork - wish I would have thought of it, but now that you have, I'm going to investigate this as well. Thanks!
ps glad to hear you'll get to use someone's press:)
oh, yes - you will love looking at the blackwork! great topic for your artslice blog, and a great inspiration for your graphic design work! i'm thinking of doing some small lino cuts -portrait studies from these images...
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