Garden Sampler I, II, III, IV and V. These are 10" x 10" mixed media collages that I created last summer for the Black Frame Show here in Portland. This small series has strongly influenced my current work - a large (9' x 10') mixed media and collaged diptych. (I will write more about that in future posts). The series began with several pastel and oil studies of flowers in my garden. I then added collaged images using YES paste and stitching. I liked the idea of using a sampler as a format and as a concept, and each of these five pieces show samples of stitchwork, flowers, birds mating, and the sexual dynamics between men and women, inside and outside the boundaries of the edenic garden.
Sampler: a. A representative collection or selection.
b. A variety; an assortment.
Hi Martha, I like your blog--it will be interesting to see what you're working on. Will you be posting your progress on this blog?----Sue
I own three of these pieces--I love them--very rich and full of interesting images!----Sue
Hi Sue!
Yes, indeed - I will be sharing my process. Check out today's posts!
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