Sunday, January 31, 2010

Building Neighbors

First quarter moon rising over the frame of Andy and Ocea's new house..
It's really coming along!
A snowy hideout...
...with sleeping bags inside!

A saw that's seen it's share of dust...
Grampa and Nikkea checking out the latest construction...
The little house in the woods - temporary lodgings while the big house gets built...
The winter workshop...
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go...
This dog knows the way...

First quarter moon rising over Garry and Martha's house.


Dean Grey said...

It's always neat seeing a house being built from the ground up!


How can construction be going on in the winter with all of that snow?


martha miller said...

where there's a will (and a snow shovel) there's a way!! :*)