Raphael's portrait Bindo Altoviti and two photographs of my cousin, Keith Knost, as a young man. I recently connected with Keith via facebook. He is also an artist, and lives out of state. We've never met, but it seems that we share many interests, besides art. I have never done portraits from photographs before, and have wanted to try. I am intrigued by these photos - Keith looks like he could have stepped out of the High Renaissance in that first picture. I'm always in search of my animus in my art, and to find a male relative with so many things in common is like finding a long lost brother, or happening upon a character from one of my dreams! Keith tells me that he has many more photographs that may interest me, many of which document his performance art, including participating in intertribal dances. He is in the process of getting a scanner, and then he'll send them my way. It may take a little while, but stay tuned!
Nice comparison! I think of one particular dream character when I think of my animus. He's a large rolly polly guy trying to get into an art school. I watched his presentation. He had made a beautiful baby front pack out of heavy silks of blues and grays with pipping all around the edges. He sat and held the baby. (This was a dream back when little P was just a year old.) Someone else pointed him out to be my animus--since they did, I can see it, but I didn't want to admit that my animus was a sensitive chubby guy who sews!
mine has showed up in so many guises. one of the most memorable was a chieftan in africa - he had an enormous colorful headdress and sat on a throne made of earth. he taught me how to dig up round guord-like vegetables out of the earth that were purple and yellowy gold.
gourd. knew i didn't spell that correctly. gourd. god...
oh - and those gourds were to eat and to paint with!
Martha, this is Jen from Sanctuary.
As soon as I saw that picture I thought wow that looks like Keith Knost. Then I read on and was delighted to confirm indeed it is and even more amazed/amused to see you are related to him!
I met Keith long ago in a galaxy far far away during my days of glorious misspent youth in LRY (The UUA's now defunct Liberal Religious Youth).
I only met him a few times at big LRY gatherings and I was a younger kid to his luminary LRY status & fame. However Keith (then known as Kneith) left a lasting impression as an artist and a person who was clearly passionately driven to create beauty in this world.
What a stunningly small world we do live in.
hi jen - how cool is that! it is indeed a small world... xo
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