The progress thus far on my self-portrait story quilt. I am enjoying the grid format - it allows me to repeat images and themes. This quilt is alot like a calendar, or a journal, where some days are peaceful, some days contain pain, trauma, and heartbreak, and some days are joyful and sweet. The quilt holds little vignettes and episodes from my particular life experience, but stand back and it is simply a rich tapestry made up of color and texture, dark and light. Stand back and it looks like Life.
A catalog of the burden of one's own life. All the things and events, dark and light, that make us who we are, part and parcel of that burden. Your posts about the 'Pain Body' so relevant because the darkness in each of ourselves defines us more than anything else in our lives. Having recently passed my fifty-ninth milestone, I have been thinking how heavy this burden of ones own life gets. Beautiful work.
Wow! Nice! I'm passing an award/s to you--check out my site for details.
I love it! Thank you for using pinking shears. I love pinking shears!
hi brad
thankyou for your thoughtful feedback. do you find that putting your darkness in your art lightens the burden? when i can put it out there, in front of myself, to observe, i feel free of it...
word verification:
i bled a lidl
u bled a lidl
we both lived to tell the tale...
hey, sue - thankyou!!!
i will ACCEPT your superball - i could uuuse a superball...(jim kweskin? remember? or am i sounding like a complete lune?)
thanks for the award! xo
ahoy, captain! thankyou! me, too! LOVE pinking shears...and they are very tied in with my childhood.
From one lune to another, because I knew what you were saying and where it was coming from! I'll have to listen to that CD today!
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