Thursday, April 23, 2009


This weekend when I was home in Woolwich I gathered up a bunch of linens that were my mother's. I've had them stored away since we cleared out the old homestead when Mom moved to assisted living a few years ago. They are old tablecloths and curtains that
no-one wanted and were destined for a yardsale. I am going to quilt together some of these fabrics - we'll see where that leads me...
I am liking these three velvet tops in frames...looks like a triptych is forming. The dress that I painted seems separate from this triptych - I may simply wear it for the paint on velvet exhibit opening...

I also gathered up a couple of old rag dolls that have been stored away for years. When I was in my twenties I designed and sold these little dolls. They were ornately dressed (these 2 dollies have lost their clothes). My current project incorporates dolls, figures, sewing, clothing, and mixed media. I am following my instincts, slowly piecing together a puzzle...


artslice said...

Martha those dolls are so cool! Been wanting to experiment with making dolls for my daughter. These are an inspiration.
Your velvet mix is evolving so niceley. Wish I could see the show!

martha miller said...

hi brenda

somewhere i have slides of the dolls i made back in the 70's and 80's - i'll have to scan them and post them to the blog! i've made many dolls for my children, could make a very cool doll for your daughter like this with a painted face - you do such great lady faces! just paint the face on muslin before you sew it. i added embroidery but you don't have to...

Anonymous said...

Your photographic style is fascinating. Beautiful!

Dean Grey said...

The thing I love about this post, Martha, is that it's a chance for us to see how you work and think.

Can't wait see what develops from all of this!


martha miller said...

thanks peaceliving and dean! i enjoy both your blogs as well! happy artmaking!