Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday Morning

My Tuesday morning Mixed Media Portraiture class at MECA. I think it's almost as much fun watching people draw as it is to draw! This group is terrific. The assignment was to go to the library and randomly grab a book off the shelf and open it. We made photocopies of the open pages and the students came back to the classroom and did self-portraits incorporating their found imagery somehow...


Susan Beauchemin said...

What if the pages were all typing? Did they go to a certain section such as kids books or magazines for a picture? In that case maybe not so random? I like the portraits!
That's me getting stuck on the details!

martha miller said...
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martha miller said...

being an art library, the chances of coming to a page with just text is slim - but the text would have been used if that was the case, or they could grab another book!