Brenda at Musings by Artslice was kind enough to gift me with the Brilliante Weblog Premio, 2008 award back in early November (is that logo misspelling intentional?? a little tongue-in-cheek, you're not so brilliant after all...???...see where my mind goes...) and I am just now getting around to accepting it. Part of my hesitation has been that old boogie low self-esteem which makes it difficult for me to take in a compliment. But here goes...I've added the logo to my blog! And seeing that 2008 is nearly over I'd best pass this award along to 7 others before the new year arrives!
So here are the 'rules' of acceptance...
1. Put logo on blog
2. Add link to person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on you blog
5. Leave messages for you nominees on their blogs
6. Participation is voluntary, of course!
7. Have fun...honoring the bloggers who inspire you regularly
It was tough to choose - I decided to stick with art blogs. Here are seven that inspire me for different reasons that I visit regularly - a real mixed bag of treats! Thankyou all for the time and thoughtfulness you put into your work and share with us on your blogs!
Susan Beauchemin at http://www.paintsee.blogspot.com/
Carol Diehl at http://www.artvent.blogspot.com/Elizabeth Fraser at http://www.paintsquared.com/
Julianna Swaney at http://ohmycavalier.blogspot.com/
Tilly Strauss at http://www.tillystudio.blogspot.com/
Moon River at http://www.mooonriver.blogspot.com/
Don Gray at http://www.dailyartwest.com/
Thanks so much Martha! I feel so flattered and it is greatly appreciated :)
I'm glad you broke that down, i got one of those awards with no explanation what to do!! NOW i'm in the know !!
Thanks, Martha, so much for the shout-out! And I enjoy your comments.
Happy New Year of Change!
Hi Julianna
You're welcome! You know I am a fan. I own several of your prints and they bring me daily joy!
Happy New Year!
Hi King of NYH!
I so enjoyed visiting your exuberant blog! Your job sure provides a rich mine of story material!!
All the Best for 2009!
Hi Carol!
You are quite welcome! I love your humor and sharp insights - you're one heck of a writer!
And some of the comment discourse on your blog is tops!
Happy New Year!
Thanks Martha
one of th greatest pleasures in having a blog, apart from making it, is to know others take pleasure init as well. i happy to know you did.
may we have all a very good year 2009
take care
moon river
tel aviv
Hi Moon
I LOVE your blog! You find the most amazing artwork, and I love your large scale images! I know I'll always find something intriguing when I visit you!
All the Best for 2009!
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