Back on the topic of meat as medium (after that cleansing of the pallette post featuring Kaitlyn Miller's sweet and spirited ceramic art...) consider the work of this artist, whose plastic surgeries make up a body of her work. Pun intended. Ouch. To both - to the thought of undergoing surgery for art's sake and to the bad pun...
We studied Orlan's controversial performance art in The Decorated Body, a fascinating art history course I took at MECA during my sophomore year with Professor Aimee Bessire. In this course we studied body modification practices such as tatooing, piercing, scarification, even transgender surgery, as well as more surface modes of body alteration such as hairstyles, make-up and clothing.
got to get me some temporal bumbs!
These are wild, weird and well... I can't stop looking. Kinda felt the same about the meat, but in a more 'yuck but, it looks like ruffles' kind of way.
or bumpy bumbs!
yup, wacky, weird, and wild...
but look at TV any night and you can watch someone undergoing surgery - getting their cellulite vacuumed or their face (or tummy) pulled wind tunnel tight...
now, that's entertainment!
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