For example, here's one dream:
I dreamt that I had a beautiful baby girl and that she could knit! I have always found knitting theraputic - it has eased me through some very difficult emotional times. It has helped me to knit my life back together again.
And the affirmation:
I am resourceful and capable of healing.
So there is a dream and an affirmation for every hour of the day, like the prayers in an actual book of hours. Posted here are a few of the illustrations. (The baby in the photograph on the inside cover of the book is my cousin's grandson, Cosmo. Cosmo has a new little sister, born just yesterday! Her name is VivaBea. What fun names!)
"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man."
Rabindranath Tagore
details from Little Book of Baby Dreams, 2005
watercolor, ink, gold paint and collage on small purchased journal, 3" x 4". NFS.
also, a watercolor sketch for a window piece that I am designing.
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