And look what came in the mail this afternoon! My two fabric swatches from
Spoonflower! These are designs that I sent in about a week ago. I am very excited!
Infinite fabric possibilities!! I just sent in single mandalas for these sample swatches, but Spoonflower can do repeats and patterns - I can make layers of them in
photoshop with some opaque and some transparent - they can over lap - I can take fragments of the mandalas and play with those - I can play with scale....
agh! So many ideas!!!! But to start, I like the single image. This will make great throw pillows, table napkins, QUILT SQUARES! Imagine a quilt made with all different Lisbeth mandalas, in all different colors!!!!! Or, in a more subtle monochromatic color scheme!
Ahhhhh, fun times ahead...
I know I live under a rock, but how come I didn't know about your other blog before tonight?? Love those t-shirts! What an excellent project and with such potential.
Hi Karen!
I just started my other blog this month! Thankyou for following! Yes, there is alot of potential with Lisbeth's designs. I have hundreds of them that I am busy photographing and categorizing! Fun.
The fabric!! I just can't wait!!
You really are keeping busy!
I love the shots of the shirts blowing in the wind!
Hmmm, you can change the scale of the mandalas, huh?
They might look even better on the shirts if they were reduced in size slightly and placed near the center of the chest. Almost like a logo or crest!
Just a suggestion!
Hi Sue! Yes! FABRIC! *rubbing hands together*
Dean! I like that suggestion! I will do that with some shirts in my next order! Thanks! xo
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