Some pics from Lisbeth's birthday party last year. With her birthday falling so near to Halloween, we've had some great costume bashes over the years. One of the most fun costume birthday parties we ever had for Lisbeth was the year that we rented a small movie theatre and watched Lisbeth's favorite movie, Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Everyone came dressed as a character from the film! Lisbeth loved it.
I was there! That was fun--because Pee Wee's Big Adventure is Lisbeth's favorite movie, your whole family knew every word by heart. Lis's big sister was saying all the lines for about half the movie--she could have done the whole thing--I'm thinking someone poked her in the ribs or she just got tired,
I think Cory poked her in the ribs!
She would've/could've recited the entire movie!
That was fun.
I really seriously could have recited the whole movie, and man, did I want to! I suppose there's a fine line between having the most fun ever and being really annoying. I was crushed in more ways than one after that.
I had to read that twice!!!
Yes, that was fun but the after party in the ER sure sucked!!!
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